University final year project - Group Work Peer Assessment

24 Aug 2019

My university final year project aimed to improve university students' learning experience in group design work through designing a peer assessment system that focuses on learning instead of assessing.

Summary of my project

Unequal distribution of work is one of the key causes of a negative learning experience for students working in groups. The existing WebPA system in Meng Design Engineering is prone to bias, subjectivity, and manipulation, making it unfair. This project aims to improve university students’ learning experience in group design work through designing a peer assessment (PA) system that focuses on learning as opposed to assessing. In testing, it was observed that students want to be able to share qualitative feedback with each other. The findings can contribute future developments of fair PA systems and the department’s pedagogy transformation.

Hi! I'm Grace Chin. Welcome to my little space of the internet. I am a front-end web developer based in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Explore topics that I have written about via tags. Checkout my portfolio to see things I have made.